KANLUX Krabice 28307 do podlahy kov čtverec
Informace o produktu
Metal floor box BIURO plus is designed for installation in screed floors. This is a box for 1.5 of full 45 modules or three 22.5 half modules. The box set includes a cover protecting it in the case of screed finishing. The box lid has a release trigger, the use of which activates the spring mechanism and opens the box. There are two different designs in this product group: rectangle, rectangle with milled edge. We can choose two colour versions.
- Značka KANLUX
Přístrojové vložky pro instalaci pod podlahou
- Barva Ostatní, jiné
- Počet elektroinstalačních krabic 3
- Stupeň krytí (IP) IP20
- Provedení krytu obdélníkový